content theory of motivation
- content theory of motivation
Глоссарий к книге Мэскона
содержательные теории мотивации
- теория мотивации, основанная на попытке определить в первую очередь те потребности, которые заставляют людей действовать. К числу таких теорий относятся теории Абрахама Маслоу, Фредерика Герцберга и Девида Макклеланда.
English-Russian glossary of the book Meskon.
Смотреть что такое "content theory of motivation" в других словарях:
content theory — ➔ theory * * * content theory UK US noun [C] (plural content theories) (also content theory of motivation) ► HR, MANAGEMENT a theory that tries to explain why employees behave in the way that they do: »Content theories explain the specific… … Financial and business terms
Content theory — explains why human needs change with time. Another theory that attempts to explain human behavior is Process theory. Content theory includes the work of David McClelland, Abraham Maslow and other psychologists as they attempted to explain why… … Wikipedia
Content-based instruction — (CBI) is a significant approach in second language acquisition (Brinton, Snow, Wesche, 1989). CBI is designed to provide second language learners instruction in content and language. Historically, the word content has changed its meaning in… … Wikipedia
motivation — motivational, adj. motivative, adj. /moh teuh vay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or an instance of motivating. 2. the state or condition of being motivated. 3. something that motivates; inducement; incentive. [1870 75; MOTIVE + ATION] * * * Factors… … Universalium
Motivation — For other uses, see Motivation (disambiguation). Timeline of theorists about student motivation Motivation is the driving force by which humans achieve their goals. Motivation is said to be intrinsic or extrinsic … Wikipedia
Motivation for rape — There is no single theory that conclusively explains the motivation for rape; the motives of rapists can be multi factorial and are the subject debate. Three primary emotions are thought to motivate rapists, anger, power and sadism, though sexual … Wikipedia
Attachment theory — … Wikipedia
Two-factor theory — For Schachter s two factor theory of emotion, see Two factor theory of emotion. The (also known as Herzberg s motivation hygiene theory and Dual Factor Theory) states that there are certain factors in the workplace that cause job satisfaction,… … Wikipedia
Two factor theory — (also known as Herzberg s Motivation Hygiene Theory) was developed by Frederick Herzberg, a psychologist who found that job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction acted independently of each other. Two Factor Theory states that there are certain… … Wikipedia
Selbstbestimmungstheorie der Motivation — Die Selbstbestimmungstheorie der Motivation (engl. self determination theory of motivation) stammt von Edward L. Deci und Richard M. Ryan. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Grundlagen 1.1 Die fünf Subtheorien 1.1.1 Theorie der Psychischen Grundbedürfnisse … Deutsch Wikipedia
History of attachment theory — Attachment theory, originating in the work of John Bowlby, is a psychological, evolutionary and ethological theory that provides a descriptive and explanatory framework for understanding interpersonal relationships between human beings. In order… … Wikipedia