- equifinality
- Глоссарий к книге Мэсконаравенство конечного результата- принцип, согласно которому один и тот же результат может быть получен различными способами при различных начальных условиях.
English-Russian glossary of the book Meskon. 2014.
English-Russian glossary of the book Meskon. 2014.
Equifinality — is the principle that in open systems a given end state can be reached by many potential means. The term is due to Ludwig von Bertalanffy, the founder of General Systems Theory. He prefers this term, in contrast to goal , in describing complex… … Wikipedia
equifinality — equi·finality … English syllables
equifinality — ˌ ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷+ noun Etymology: equi + finality : the property of allowing or having the same effect or result from different events * * * equifinalˈity noun • • • Main Entry: ↑equi … Useful english dictionary
GLUE (uncertainty assessment) — In hydrology, GLUE or Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation is a method to quantify the uncertainty of model predictions. The method has been introduced by Beven and Binley (1992). The basic idea of GLUE is that given our inability to… … Wikipedia
Systems thinking — is a unique approach to problem solving in that it views certain problems as parts of an overall system, rather than focusing on individual outcomes and contributing to further development of the undesired element or problem. [O Connor, J.… … Wikipedia
Underdetermination — (sometimes indeterminacy of data to theory) is a term used in the discussion of theories and their relation to the evidence that is cited to support them. Arguments from underdetermination are used to support epistemic relativism by claiming that … Wikipedia
Faunal assemblage — is the archaeological or paleontological term for a group of associated animal fossils found together in a given stratum. The principle of faunal succession is used in biostratigraphy to determine each biostratigraphic unit, or biozone. The… … Wikipedia
Systems psychology — is a branch of applied psychology that studies human behaviour and experience in complex systems. It is inspired by systems theory and systems thinking, and based on the theoretical work of Roger Barker, Gregory Bateson, Humberto Maturana and… … Wikipedia
ЭКВИФИНАЛЬНОСТЬ — англ. equifinality of control system; нем. Aquifinalitat des Leitungssystems. Динамическое свойство системы, осуществляющей движение (переход) различными путями из различных начальных состояний в одно и то же финальное состояние. Antinazi.… … Энциклопедия социологии
ЭКВИФИНАЛЬНОСТЬ — англ. equifinality of control system; нем. Aquifinalitat des Leitungssystems. Динамическое свойство системы, осуществляющей движение (переход) различными путями из различных начальных состояний в одно и то же финальное состояние … Толковый словарь по социологии
Э — Эволюторные процессы [evolutionary processes] Эволюционный подход к изучению экономики [evolutionary approach in economic studies] Эвристика [heuristics] … Экономико-математический словарь