ReDeSign — Project ReDeSign has the major goal to develop new technologies and technology strategies enabling cable operators to migrate their networks towards fully fledged broadband communication infrastructures in the most efficient and cost effective… … Wikipedia
Industrial and organizational psychology — Psychology … Wikipedia
CONSORT Colleges — is a term used to refer to the consortium of four academic libraries in Ohio: Denison University, Kenyon College, Ohio Wesleyan University and The College of Wooster. The primary objective of this collaboration is to share the cost of library… … Wikipedia
Core self-evaluations — (CSE) represent a stable personality trait which encompasses an individual’s subconscious, fundamental evaluations about themselves, their own abilities and their own control. People who have high core self evaluations will think positively of… … Wikipedia
Industrial Engineering — (deutsch Arbeitsingenieurwesen) bezeichnet ein Arbeitsgebiet, in dem es um die Gestaltung, Planung und Optimierung von Leistungserstellungsprozessen im weitesten Sinne mit ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Methoden geht. In der Umsetzung handelt… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Einar Thorsrud — (1923–1985) was a Norwegian psychologist and professor on the Technical University in Oslo, who is known for his work in the field of Organizational development (OD), particularly in the development of theory around participative work design… … Wikipedia
Cognitive ergonomics — studies cognition in work settings, in order to optimize human well being and system performance. It is a subset of the larger field of human factors and ergonomics. Contents 1 Goals 2 Methodology 3 Relation to other disciplines … Wikipedia
Job Diagnostic Survey — Der Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS) [1] ist ein psychologisches Verfahren zur Arbeitsplatzanalyse, das auf dem „Job Characteristics Model“ von Hackman und Oldham [2] basiert. Mit ihm soll im Wesentlichen das Motivationspotenzial, welches sich primär… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Job-Diagnostic-Survey — Modell zur Arbeitsmotivation nach Hackman und Oldham Der Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS)[1] ist ein psychologisches Verfahren zur Arbeitsplatzanalyse, das auf dem „Job Characteristics Model“ von Hackman und Oldham[2] basiert. Mit ihm soll im… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ann Weaver Hart — (born 1948) was elected the ninth university president of Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on May 4, 2006. The first female president of Temple, she assumed the presidency on July 1, 2006. On September 9, 2011, Weaver Hart… … Wikipedia
POWR — Environmental Power Corporation (Business » NASDAQ Symbols) * People Oriented Work Redesign (Business » General) * Parishes Organized To Welcome Refugees (Community » Religion) … Abbreviations dictionary