- horizontal communication
- Глоссарий к книге Мэсконапередача информации по горизонтали- движение информации из одного подразделения в другое в пределах организации.
English-Russian glossary of the book Meskon. 2014.
English-Russian glossary of the book Meskon. 2014.
horizontal communication — /ˌhɒrɪzɒnt(ə)l kəˌmju:nɪ keɪʃ(ə)n/ noun communication between employees at the same level … Marketing dictionary in english
COMMUNICATION - Communication animale — Entre 1930 et 1960, les éthologistes objectivistes, sous l’influence prédominante de K. Lorenz et de N. Tinbergen identifiaient, pour chaque espèce, un répertoire de stimulations qui, agissant comme des signaux, déclenchaient des modifications… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Development communication — Development Communication, has been alternatively defined as a type of marketing and public opinion research that is used specifically to develop effective communication or as the use of communication to promote social development. Defined as the … Wikipedia
Organizational communication — is a subfield of the larger discipline of communication studies. Organizational communication, as a field, is the consideration, analysis, and criticism of the role of communication in organizational contexts. Contents 1 History of Organizational … Wikipedia
Augmentative and alternative communication — An AAC user indicates a series of numbers on an eye gaze communication board in order to convey a word. Augmentative an … Wikipedia
Dog communication — It is important to look at the dog s whole body and not just the mouth or tail before deciding what the dog is trying to communicate. What appears initially as aggression might be an invitation to play. Dog communication refers to body movements… … Wikipedia
Open Communication — In business, Open Communication (or Open Access to Communication resources) can be a term used to describe a concept that anyone, on equal conditions with a transparent relation between cost and pricing, can get access to and share communication… … Wikipedia
Bee learning and communication — Honey bees learn and communicate in order to find food sources and for other means. LearningLearning is essential for efficient foraging. Honey bees are unlikely to make many repeat visits if a plant provides little in the way of reward. A single … Wikipedia
Accord horizontal — En droit de la concurrence, un accord horizontal (ou un accord de coopération horizontale selon la terminologie communautaire) est un accord ou une pratique concertée entre entreprises opérant au même niveau du marché, c est à dire généralement… … Wikipédia en Français
Organizational identification — Contents 1 Definitions of Identification and Organizational Identification 2 Why is Organizational Identification Important? 3 Differences and Similarities between OI and Affective Organizational Commitment … Wikipedia
Network society — The term Network Society describes several different phenomena related to the social, political, economic and cultural changes caused by the spread of networked, digital information and communications technologies. A number of academics (see… … Wikipedia